Since 2020, the grant funding for Bikeability has asked our training providers to provide anonymised data on the rider characteristics of children taking part in Bikeability (gender, ethnicity, pupil premium, SEND). This data is required in order to:
- Ensure equitable funding distribution by identifying any gaps in training delivery. We want all children to be able to access Bikeability
- Fulfil the requirements of the Active Travel England (ATE) grant funded Bikeability terms and conditions
The Bikeability Trust and Active Travel England (ATE) will use this data to compare the characteristics reported against school and local area population statistics. This will enable the Bikeability Trust to consider new and innovative ways to tackle issues of equality, diversity and inclusivity.
This data will be fully anonymised at the point of reporting to the Trust and we do not store this against any personal data (for example, name). This information allows us to release payment to the grant recipient and training provider.

Supporting documentation
You must ask for consent from a parent or carer before a child takes part in Bikeability. As a grant recipient, either you or your registered training provider can create your own consent forms, or use the following templates.
Model rider characteristics collection form
For schools and group
Model parental consent form
Including rider characteristics
Model parental consent form
Without rider characteristics
Letter for schools
Explaining the legitimate basis of this data collection
Infographic for schools
An easy-to-digest version of the letter for schools
Rider characteristics webinar
The Bikeability Trust team is joined by Jane from Wiltshire Council and Beccy from the Active Wellbeing Society to discuss how they collect rider characteristics.
Model booking form for adults
This form includes consent and rider characteristics for adult riders.
Rider characteristics are information related to a rider’s gender, ethnicity, SEND and eligibility for pupil premium.
It is a grant requirement from Active Travel England (ATE) that grant recipients must upload anonymised rider characteristics to Link (Grant terms and condition letter, paragraph 4g).
The collection of rider characteristics will help us secure what is needed to deliver our collective ambition to reach every child. Rider characteristics are vital to demonstrate our impact and we thank you for your support to work with the Trust to secure the future of Bikeability.
Rider characteristics must be reported on Link from 1 November 2021.
After reviewing feedback from the industry, we will be implementing additional measures on Link. In order to allow us to make these development changes and for you to amend your processes, we have delayed compulsory reporting until 1 November 2021.
The following changes will be made:
- An additional “prefer not to say” field will be added to each category. If a school or individual chooses not to disclose on one or more of these categories, this prefer not to say box may be used to submit your claim.
- Ethnicity will be extended to include the same categories requested by the National Office of Statistics. This means amending the forms you may have already changed. You may wish to use the model rider characteristics monitoring form as a guide.
Active Travel England (ATE) have now agreed to include a prefer not to say option. We will now be able to continue to fund children and schools who do not provide rider characteristics.
Please collect rider characteristics in line with your Data Protection and Privacy Statement, adhering to your GDPR approach.
In order to provide more support, we have outlined two options and created accompanying model forms. We recommend Option 1 as the most effective collection of data, but we recognise that you may find Option 2 or another solution more effective for your business.
Option 1: Ask the school to report all rider characteristics anonymously. This can either be done via the instructor with lead teacher / school office that is completed at the end of the training or emailed for completion.
Option 2: Ask parents to report individual rider characteristics through their consent form, before collating and anonymizing this data to report to the Trust.
Rider characteristics should be collected for the following
- Levels 1 – 3
- Balance
- Learn to Ride
For Family courses, you do not need to collect any rider characteristic.
For Adult courses, you need to collect gender and ethnicity. There will be a prefer not to say option.
Please report rider characteristics for attended figures only.
No! We thank you for your commitment to demonstrate the need for additional funding for targeted interventions to vulnerable groups. We are grateful for your support as we approach funding negotiations for future years in the Autumn.
However, please note the changes outlined above and update your process and procedures in time for these changes to go live on Link on 1 November 2021. All current data must be uploaded by 31 October 2021, before Link changes.
You can collect rider characteristics using our model parental consent form. We recommend you detach the rider characteristics sheet on collection to ensure anonymity.
On 1 November 2021, reporting of rider characteristics will be compulsory. Rider characteristic categories will change to reflect the ONS guidance. A prefer not to say option will be added to each category.
From this date, you will not be able to input data from previous categories. Please ensure all prior delivery with this data is uploaded to Link by 31 October 2021.
We encourage you to change your forms and processes prior to 1 November 2021. This will allow you to have everything in place ahead of the changes to Link.
If you collect data based on the new categories and wish to input these before changes go live on Link, please reassign the ONS data categories to the broader categories which are currently on Link.
Alternatively, if you can wait until 1 November 2021, please delay your reporting until the additional categories go live on Link.
Collecting rider characteristics is essential for the future of Bikeability. We strongly recommend that you collect this data to support us to offer training to all children. However, you may opt out by submitting “prefer not to say” for all riders.
You can watch a recording of the rider characteristics webinar on our Youtube channel.
Please get in touch with the Trust team by emailing and we will be happy to support you with any concerns or queries.