It is important to check that your training provider offers high-quality training and is complying with all the current requirements. Your training provider must have a quality assurance procedure in order to deliver Bikeability.
Internal quality assurance for training providers includes:
- Instructor observation and mentoring
- Peer review
- Instructor recruitment and inductions
- Review of policies and procedures
- IQA action plan (used as a live document and updated regularly)
Find more information on quality assurance here.

Your training provider must have an internal quality assurance (IQA) process in place. They must also create an IQA plan. It is your responsibility to check that IQA is being carried out and you can include this as part of your SLA.
Find more information on IQA here.
At annual grant recipient registration renewal you will need to upload a document outlining how you monitor the quality of your associated training provider(s).
You can adapt and use the following documents:
Monitoring quality of training provider for GR

All training providers are eligible for an EQA visit where a team of consultants from the Trust visit the training provider to observe delivery and discuss management practice. As a grant recipient you will be made aware that the EQA visit is taking place and will receive a copy of the EQA visit report at the end.
The Trust also offers support and mentoring for those training providers that have areas for improvement where they need extra support. If you have any concerns regarding your training provider please discuss this with them directly in the first instance and suggest they get in touch for extra support.